
Rock + Quartet Strings.

Not a common combination right? But sounds so effin cool! Imagine rock songs played with 2 violins, viola, and a cello. It might sound a little peculiar but it really sounds so impressive. It's like applying rock n' roll attitude to classical technique. I never thought it could be so breath-taking and beautiful. I was really blown when I first heard it.

The String Quartet Tributes by the Vitamin String Quartet started the musical endeavor way back but I just discovered them recently and the first rendition I heard from them was No Doubt's Don't Speak. It was really beautiful and soothing. It really took me away and calmed my mood. I dunno why but when I hear really good music, it just blows me away. I stopped from what I was doing, just listened and enjoyed the music. It really altered my mood.Kinda brought me to tears. My favorite songs in strings. It's perfect. And right now, I just can't stop listening to these songs.:D

Here's a playlist of some of my favorite songs turned into beautiful classicals (you can also check other songs in YouTube) :

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Vitamin works with the best string players and producers in the business guaranteeing the highest level of musicianship on all their releases. Listeners can expect bold and innovative treatments of their favorite artists' best-known songs as well as a few surprises on each album. Each tribute is a lovingly made testament to the enduring qualities of rock and pop's brightest and biggest stars. Do check them out at their website to see a list of all the songs they have transformed into beautiful musical pieces: www.vitaminrecords.com

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