
We had our overnight stay at Mangodlong Rock Resort and had a good night sleep there. =) It's the most popular resort there and no doubt about it cause the resort has a really nice feel to it. They have three types of accomodations---Beach Front, Coco Grove, and Casitas. The Beach Front costs P1950.00 and is good for 4 persons. Not bad for a deluxe room with cool ambiance. We got it for P1600.00 since they had an on-going discount until September 30. The room is complete with air-con, lavatory, and TV. Coco Grove is at P1700.00 and Casitas is at P1000.00
The white sand beach at Mangodlong is pure bliss. The scenic landscape complements the sandy shores. I was not actually able to bathe in its waters. However, my friend told me that although the waters seem really pleasant, the sands could actually seep into your pores cause it's really really grainy. And sea floor is kinda rocky so it's not that pleasurable to walk in it unlike the beach in Santiago.

Our next stop was Santiago Beach Resort. We got a glimpse of the insides of the resort and we were kinda disappointed cause the pool there was so much nicer compared to the pool in Mangodlong. Anyhow, the place is also nice and I think it's larger and more expensive compared to Mangodlong. But for the beach, we had to take a different route since the resort is kinda on a hill and there seems to be no smooth pathway towards the sandy beach. We bathe on the beach under the sun there and it was delectable. The waters are so nice and the sea floor was pure sand so it had a nice feel to it.

After that, we took a really really long ride to Timubo Cave. I was kind of surprised when we arrived there since we passed corn/rice fields. I wondered where the heck is the cave? I was kind of imagining it to be on the ground level just like one cave I visited on the border between Iligan City and Cagayan de Oro city. It was full of trees. Then I realized that the cave was really really underground. It was like a cave amidst the fields. Then we went further down the cave. Really further. It was gradually going down. It had a scary feel to it. It's like a forsaken place or something. But at the end of the cave, it was like paradise. The water is very cool and clear and clean. Like no one has ever been there before. It's like spring. This was the most enticing tourist spot among all the places I have visited there. It was like a place in one of my dreams. Too bad the waters are deep so I wasn't really able to enjoy it since I can't swim. :-S

Last but not the least, we visited Danao Lake happens to be the largest lake in the Philippines. Actually we visited Lake Danao Park. ;) The whole place is beautiful! So serene and so calm. A really nice place to unwind and relax. There's a SAKANAW ride there which lets tourists travel around the lake for a closer view of the lake's surroundings. However, we were not able to ride it since we lack the time plus it would have been better if we were many since the ride can comprise 10 people for P500.00.

Labels: Christopher Nolan, Inception, movie reviews, movies
To say a simple thing
It takes thought and time and rhyme
To make a poem sing
With music and words I've been flying
For you I have written a song
To be sure that you'll know what I'm saying
I'll translate as i go along
Fly me to the moon,
And let me play among the stars
Won't you let me see what spring is like on Jupiter and Mars
In other words: Hold my hand!
In other words: Darling, kiss me!
Fill my heart with song,
And let me sing forever more
You are all I long for all I worship and adore
In other words: Please be true!
In other words: I love you!
In other words: Please be true!
In other words: I love you!
The release of her later works helped her remain one of Japan's top artists, with 3 of her Japanese studio albums being ranked in Top 10 best-selling albums ever in Japan (#1, #4, #8).
Labels: Fly Me To The Moon, Hikki, music, Utada Hikaru
I recently got this from an e-mail.
My question could not be answered at that time.
This e-mail was just sent to me, and I find it interesting that my question has been answered. I challenge you all to rethink your every day use of a product that could ultimately lead to a terminal illness.
I showed it to another friend going through chemotherapy & she said she learned this fact in a support group recently.
Here's why:
The human body has a few areas that it uses to purge toxins ; behind the knees, behind the ears, groin area, and armpits. The toxins are purged in the form of perspiration.
Anti-perspirant, as the name clearly indicates, prevents you from perspiring, thereby inhibiting the body from purging toxins from below the armpits.
Additionally, men are less likely (but not completely exempt) to develop breast cancer prompted by anti-perspirant usage because most of the anti-perspirant product is caught in their hair and is not directly applied to the skin.
Women who apply anti-perspirant right after shaving increase the risk further because shaving causes almost imperceptible nicks in the skin which give the chemicals entrance into the body from the armpit area.
Labels: anti-perspirant, Breast Cancer Awareness, health
As she slips in
Trying to fade into the faces
The girls' teasing laughter is carrying farther than they know
Farther than they know
But if we are the Body
Why aren't His arms reaching
Why aren't His hands healing
Why aren't His words teaching
And if we are the Body
Why aren't His feet going
Why is His love not showing them there is a way
There is a way
A traveler is far away from home
He sheds his coat
And quietly sinks into the back row
The weight of their judgmental glances tells him that his chances
Are better out on the road
But if we are the Body
Why aren't His arms reaching
Why aren't His hands healing
Why aren't His words teaching
And if we are the Body
Why aren't His feet going
Why is His love not showing them there is a way
Jesus paid much too high a price
For us to pick and choose who should come
And we are the Body of Christ
If we are the body
Why aren't His arms reaching
Why aren't His hands healing
Why aren't His words teaching
And if we are the body
Why aren't His feet going
Why is His love not showing them there is a way
Jesus is the way
Labels: Casting Crowns, Christianity, If We Are The Body, life, music, personal, spirituality
so that you can believe...

to warm your heart...

when sadness intrudes...

on different days...

when spirit sags...

to know yourself...

to brighten your being...

to accept the truth...

for your eyes to see...

to kiss your lips...

for when you doubt...

to follow the clouds...

to complete your life!
Labels: life, love, spirituality
So we were already in the plane and my excitement is slowly creeping in. Everything went fine until something happened that really changed the course of our trip as well as making it easier and safer. Let's just say it was kind of a blessing in disguise. Like you want to ask why is this happening (in a bad way) and at the same time you're grateful that it happened. The bad thing about the incident was that someone who smelled alcohol in the face was making unnecessary advances to my sister! I was really dumbfounded when it happened. I did not know what to do. Even my sister did not know what to do. It was very awful! And somehow, that made me thinking that this ain't gonna be an easy-going trip. We have to be extra cautious and careful at all times. And, like my mom said, never give your full trust to strangers. But actually there are two kinds of strangers. Strangers who are good and strangers who are bad. So maybe that kind of rule depends. It's just a matter of knowing who offers genuine help!


beneath the coat hides an awful stare
longing to start some harm
beneath the coat a plot is made
devised to make you cry
beneath the coat a trap is set
filling you with lies
the gentle havoc begins
steps are creaking at the door
knocking once knocking twice
as you swayed on the floor
he keeps a sinister grin
keeps his hands at bay
he softly kisses your hand
delightfully making your day
sweet words sweet nothings
ringing to your ears
again and again it rings
forgetting all your fears
promises kept but never kept
he walks away without a sound
without a word
forever lost and never found
all you found are pieces
broken pieces on the floor
shattered all over the place
as he walked out that door
it will never be the same
the cracks are showing
as you picked up the pieces
blood is flowing
beneath that coat a secret kept
a thousand reasons behind
beneath that coat a broken heart
Source: "ECA International"
1. Tokyo, Japan
(This is one of the cities that I dream of going to...gahh...*.*)

The strength of the yen has brought Tokyo back to the No. 1 spot on ECA International's ranking for the first time since 2005. In addition to the costs above, rent for a two-bedroom apartment for expats is typically more than $5,000 per month in Tokyo, according to data from EuroCost International. While visitors need more pocket money here than in any other city, the monthly consumer price index in Tokyo's wards has actually dropped year-on-year for 14 straight months as of May 2010, based on figures from Japan's statistics bureau.
2. Oslo, Norway
(europe...europe...when will I ever smell your air? =D)

4. Nagoya, Japan
(when will these pictures become real?!...bitter... O.o)

5. Yokohama, Japan

6. Stavanger, Norway

9. Geneva, Switzerland

10. Zurich, Switzerland
(isn't it pretty? :)

well...err...not really... XD
Thanks to Yuuki for allowing me to reblog this post from her cute and insightful blog! =)
1. Girls like guys with sense of humor.
3. It’s a rare thing for girls to go for flings unlike many guys do.
4. Take a close look at this paradox: Girls are generally impulsive buyers but are good in budgeting. (I doubt I’m good at budgeting XD)
5. Too sweet girls are usually the naggers.
6. Your girlfriend can either jokingly or seriously get jealous over your basketball games.
7. Girls are very suspicious human beings.
8. A guy oughta understand his girl’s mood swings especially when she has her monthly period.
10. Girls easily get carried away by their emotions.
11. You must tell a girl that you are courting her. Unless you make an obvious proposal, she could either play numb or be really numb of your feelings for her.
12. The girl who gives you a quick "yes" could either be too impulsive.
13. A girl’s decision is always changeable.
14. It is really hard to trace why girls are unpredictable.
16. Girls hate guys who gossip.
17. You would know that a girl likes you if she laughs even at your corniest joke and even pays attention at your nonsense talk.
18. You can hook a girl by knowing her interests.
20. Girls hate it when you make them wait.
21. Girls love babies.
22. If you’re truly in love with a girl, you will have a hard time to convince her telling so.
24. Beware: a girl knows how to persuade you that you could do her a favor through her charisma or seductive body language without you knowing it.
25. Girls are flattered when you make them melt in your eyes, but they would do anything just to show disapproval.
26. Girls are very conscious people.
27. Girls hate guys who whistle at their back. The act makes them look like cheap.
29. A girl is not necessarily after a guy with towering height. He just has to be taller then she is.
30. Girls generally do not court guys which make you guys so lucky to have their privilege to court your pick.
31. Girls who court guys are desperate. It is awkward to see a girl courting a guy.
32. Girls usually compete unconsciously among themselves especially when it comes to beauty.
34. Never spoil a girl. Someday, if you fail to do a favor for her, she could lay the blame on you after all you did to her.
35. Girls have changeable moods.
36. Girls love being serenaded. The spookiest and the corniest thing that you do is for her the most romantic and the most memorable.
37. Girls like smart guys.
38. Girls like neat and presentable guys.
40. Girls can keep their deepest darkest secrets for a lifetime unlike guys who are very open about themselves.
41. Girls are the ones who can make a relationship stay longer but they don’t want to have the dominating character over their boyfriend.
42. You should let her cool first before you say sorry, otherwise she won’t accept your apology.
43. Girls usually go for older guys.
44. Like Eve, a girl is man’s weakness.
46. Girls are physically weaker than guys but are emotionally stronger when problems arise.
47. Girls easily cry. That is why they are rarely violent because they ventilate themselves through crying.
48. A girl smokes and drinks though she knows it’s not a good impression on her.
50. Girls like guys who can protect and defend them. You don’t have to be a macho man though.
51. Girls hate weaklings. It’s enough that their gender has the weakest physique of all human being.
52. A girl can be fond of an effeminate. They may fall in love with a gay under considerable reasons.
54. A girl hates it when her friend squeals about her crushes or secrets.
55. A girl that has admired a stranger could research even the least and nonsense bits of info about him. (Stalker! XD)
56. Girls are generally more organized people than guys.
58. Girls like guys with electrical and carpentering skills. These assure them that they can handle even the smallest and peculiar thing.
59. Girls like McGyver-like guys who can easily look for a way out when situations corner them.
60. Girls are generally good in subjects like Language and Social Science than Mathematics and General Science.
62. Girls only play hard-to-get when they think her crush or suitor finds her obvious that she has feelings for him.
63. Girls have legions of insecurities.
64. Girls also stammer when they’re talking to the guy they truly admire.
65. Girls have innumerable crushes but her heart belongs only to one guy.
66. Girls mature faster and grow older than guys their same age.
67. Girls are more prone to getting fat easily.
68. Girls love receiving letters.
69. Girls are mostly panic-buyers and worriers.
70. Girls love surprises.
71. It is false humility girls show when they’re given compliments.
72. It is by playing tame pussycat but you tame the shrew.
73. Before you court a girl, study her inside out.
75. It’s hard for a girl to recover from her past.
76. A girls prefers to learn about relationships from novels than through experience.
77. Psychologists proved that a girl, who was molested at a very young age, loses her self esteem and develops negative attitude towards other people.
78. A girl can easily forgive you if you are sincere with your apology.
79. A girl can only be healed from her past through the enabling touch of God.
81. Girls easily get watery eyed over telenovelas and dramas.
82. A girl gets annoyed to a guy who pushes himself so hard to get her.
83. Girls act snob to guys either they like too much or hate too much.
84. A girl can suppress her feelings if she knows that a relationship wouldn’t work.
85. Girls are weight conscious.
87. Girls love being wooed.
88. A girl would flaunt her assets just to hook you.
89. Immature guys are out from girl’s list.
91. A girl can make you wait for years in courting her but could eventually give you a "no" in the long run.
92. It is not always because she said "yes" that she likes or love you. She could have just said it for superficial reasons.
93. A girl loves talking all alone with the guy she’s truly in love with especially in romantic and isolated places.
94. Girls drool a lot over shopping malls.
95. Girls like guys with broad shoulders and breasts.
96. Girls admire sports-minded guys a lot.
98. Girls love guys who can bear with what they feel.
99. Girls are genetically sensitive.
100. Unless a girl enters Nursing, Biology, or medical courses or profession, she will always have that irk from seeing blood and will always repel to see, smell, or even hear disgusting stuff.
1. GOD wants spiritual fruit, not religious nuts.
2. Dear GOD: I have a problem. Sometimes, it's me.
3. Growing old is inevitable, growing up is optional.
4. There is no key to happiness. The door is always open.
5. Silence is often misinterpreted, but never misquoted.
6. Do the math. Count your blessings.
7. Faith is the ability not to panic.
8. Laugh everyday, it's like inner jogging.
9. If we worry, we probably didn't pray. If we pray, we probably don't worry.
10. As a child of God, prayer is kind of like calling home everyday.
11. Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be bent out of shape.
12. The most important things in our homes are the people.
14. A grudge is a heavy thing to carry.
17. Nothing is real to you until we experience it, otherwise it's just hearsay.
Labels: inspirations, life, spirituality, wisdom
don't be afraid to let your mind soar
to where no one dares to go
do not shudder my little one
follow your dreams and let it lead you
to where you are destined to be

hear the music outside and feel its beat
don't let it bring your heart down
and trample on your fragility
open up don't be afraid
don't let your demons get you
free your heart and soul
ease up lighten up
share your light to the world
you've yet to realize your own beauty

It is also true that we don't know what we have been missing until it ARRIVES...

You can't go on successfully in life until you let go of your past mistakes, failures and HEARTACHES...

They just make the most of everything that comes along their WAY...

Labels: inspirations, life, love, wisdom