"This beautiful song by David Huff deals with the fact that peace is forthcoming from a relationship with Christ and how hard it is for us to get along without Him. We like to be as near to Christ as we can get, by this I mean in a constant living everyday relationship with Him.
The video deals with the topic of what can happen when we lose hope in this life and the video actually focuses upon two individuals, Gene and Jim who ended their lives by jumping from the Golden Gate bridge.
The aftermath of such a thing is evident by the very short snippets of testimonies from those who knew them, yet they are typical of what most people experience when losing someone in this way.
The video is not designed to entertain. The video is designed to make us think and empathize with those left behind. The video brings a certain uncomfortable sense of reality to the whole topic, especially for those who have never been touched by it.
The only true hope in this world, I believe, can only be found in Christ. Without the hope of Christ in our lives, living in this world can be a very sad experience for some people. Sometimes it is so sad that they feel as though they cannot go on. I pray that hope will be found by those seeking hope whether it be through this song, this video or simply through being led to the right person at the right time.
(Special thanks to brothas Dave and Chris)
Peace be with you all."
-taken from youtube (TageKaliandrino)
Labels: Christianity, God, life, music, Near You, spirituality
Election is coming very near. Candidates are making all of their efforts to make their reputations and names smell good. To put it, simply say, 'nagpapabango ng kanilang mga pangalan." Voters are in a crisis of who to choose among them. They are like in a situation wherein they have to choose the 'lesser evil'. With all these commotions happening as such, this is how I would describe it if I were to relay it in a song:
Listener's Discretion: May damage the eardrums. Listen at your own risk.
Listener's Discretion: May damage the eardrums. Listen at your own risk.
Best of cruel intentions
Finding what they failed to mention
No truth, all pretention
Raise your hand to give attention
You'd give it
We'd take it
You'd build it
We'd break it
You silently erase it
You'd feel it
We'd fake it
It's my red star (Steal it)
It's my red star (Can't let go)
It's my red star (Conceal it)
It's my red star (Oh no)
Wasted education
Celebrating imitation
Misplaced admiration
Speaking for a generation
You'd give it
We'd take it
You'd build it
We'd break it
You silently erase it
You'd feel it
We'd fake it
It's my red star (Steal it)
It's my red star (Can't let go)
It's my red star (Conceal it)
It's my red star (Oh no)
Finding what they failed to mention
No truth, all pretention
Raise your hand to give attention
You'd give it
We'd take it
You'd build it
We'd break it
You silently erase it
You'd feel it
We'd fake it
It's my red star (Steal it)
It's my red star (Can't let go)
It's my red star (Conceal it)
It's my red star (Oh no)
Wasted education
Celebrating imitation
Misplaced admiration
Speaking for a generation
You'd give it
We'd take it
You'd build it
We'd break it
You silently erase it
You'd feel it
We'd fake it
It's my red star (Steal it)
It's my red star (Can't let go)
It's my red star (Conceal it)
It's my red star (Oh no)
So I went to watch this movie together with my friend because I heard the feedback is good (from the people around me) and because I am fond of mythology. At first, we were in a dilemma of what movie to watch--this one or Book of Eli since both movies sound good. Since the former is more popular compared to Book of Eli (which my friend hardly knew), we decided to watch Clash of the Titans in 3D and I can say the movie totally blew me.
The movie Clash of the Titans is set in the Greek city of Argos where war is about to explode between men and gods. Perseus (Sam Worthington, who just so happens to be Jake Sully) was found by a humble fisherman while he was out on the sea. Little did he know that he was actually a demi-god, son of the mighty Zeus. Never did he acknowledge or took pride in it and led his life as a human. But soon he was imperiled were he not to accept his fate as a demi-god and he was destined to save an entire society from a powerful god, Hades, who was also the one who killed his human family.
As he journeys through the sands and hills of a mythical land along with a handful of armored men followed by a mysterious beautiful lady, he faces the dangers and adventures that only exist in one's mind. He faces the most outrageous, the most sneaky, and the most perilous feats that one could ever imagined. And as the story progresses, one by one, the people along his journey were slowly vanishing and thus he alone must face the ultimate darkness that arose to destroy the city of men.
Little did I know that the movie was actually a remake of a classic film way back before. My workmate commented that it'd probably be the same with the old film but the effects and cinematography would be more alluring and amazing. Since I was not able to see the old film (I probably wasn't even born yet at that time. O.o), I may not be able to make a comparison of the movies. But one thing's for sure---the visual effects will be far more captivating compared to the old one but the old one will always have a classic feel to it that the contemporary one can never grasp.
I have read a lot of negativities with the new remake---mainly from fans or viewers of the old version. It seems that the new movie is perceived as rather shallow and the story was not as paramount as the old one. There were a lot of discrepancies with the new movie and the choice of scenes were not carefully picked. It was mostly dubbed as something that can capture the audience prior to the visual effects and cinematography that technology now brings in but is poorly made when it comes to the substance and context of the plot. But for a movie-enthusiast like me who wasn't able to grasp the old movie and who can appreciate a movie as it is (both works are different but the same concept), I can say that the movie was ingeniously made and the CGI effects made it more appealing and thrilling. I found myself squealing out of surprise with some of the scenes which I can say that the movie is not a bore to watch and is visually appealing. The scene that I enjoyed the most was the battle between Perseus and his men and Medusa. It was rather a solemn encounter filled with Medusa's fiendish shrieks. Then the action sprang up as Medusa plays a hasty hide and seek with Perseus.

The movie Clash of the Titans is set in the Greek city of Argos where war is about to explode between men and gods. Perseus (Sam Worthington, who just so happens to be Jake Sully) was found by a humble fisherman while he was out on the sea. Little did he know that he was actually a demi-god, son of the mighty Zeus. Never did he acknowledge or took pride in it and led his life as a human. But soon he was imperiled were he not to accept his fate as a demi-god and he was destined to save an entire society from a powerful god, Hades, who was also the one who killed his human family.
As he journeys through the sands and hills of a mythical land along with a handful of armored men followed by a mysterious beautiful lady, he faces the dangers and adventures that only exist in one's mind. He faces the most outrageous, the most sneaky, and the most perilous feats that one could ever imagined. And as the story progresses, one by one, the people along his journey were slowly vanishing and thus he alone must face the ultimate darkness that arose to destroy the city of men.
Little did I know that the movie was actually a remake of a classic film way back before. My workmate commented that it'd probably be the same with the old film but the effects and cinematography would be more alluring and amazing. Since I was not able to see the old film (I probably wasn't even born yet at that time. O.o), I may not be able to make a comparison of the movies. But one thing's for sure---the visual effects will be far more captivating compared to the old one but the old one will always have a classic feel to it that the contemporary one can never grasp.
I have read a lot of negativities with the new remake---mainly from fans or viewers of the old version. It seems that the new movie is perceived as rather shallow and the story was not as paramount as the old one. There were a lot of discrepancies with the new movie and the choice of scenes were not carefully picked. It was mostly dubbed as something that can capture the audience prior to the visual effects and cinematography that technology now brings in but is poorly made when it comes to the substance and context of the plot. But for a movie-enthusiast like me who wasn't able to grasp the old movie and who can appreciate a movie as it is (both works are different but the same concept), I can say that the movie was ingeniously made and the CGI effects made it more appealing and thrilling. I found myself squealing out of surprise with some of the scenes which I can say that the movie is not a bore to watch and is visually appealing. The scene that I enjoyed the most was the battle between Perseus and his men and Medusa. It was rather a solemn encounter filled with Medusa's fiendish shrieks. Then the action sprang up as Medusa plays a hasty hide and seek with Perseus.

Okay, I've probably said enough but overall the movie is a blast! But Alice in Wonderland is still #1 for me. :) Also even if it's in 3D, it doesn't have any difference at all. Or you can hardly feel its 3D-ness. Ugh. It's too bad that they're only offering it in 3D here which is kind of sneaky of the movie people there since non 3D movies are less expensive. >.<
Labels: Clash of the Titans, movie reviews, movies
Well whaddya know. Life is a cycle of emotions. A day's worth of gloom is a day's worth of sheer joy. Probably a week! I’m finally home and just the sense of being home is joy itself. :)
As I went home, I was welcomed by my mom and my sleepy siblings. The excitement. The joy. The thrill. Everything. It feels so good to be home once again. It feels like a long time since I haven’t been in this nostalgic sanctuary. I was welcomed with a conversation that could last a day! Lol. It was one of the best feeling I had never felt when I’m in another place. The joy I felt is unexplainable. It was priceless. Senseless talks. Sensible remarks. Silly moments. Serious advices. Teary laughters. Beautiful moments. Every good thing. It’s a sense of relief.
Family. One of the best things in life. I could never ever replace or trade them for anything in the world. I feel so blessed to have a family that is in tune with my being. As zany as my family can get, I still love them so much. With their eccentricities. With their craziness. With their spontaneity. With their differences and similarities with mine. I especially like the common things that binds us together. Especially music. Music plays a big part in all of our lives and this helps us understand each other. One thing’s for sure. Your family is one of the most important things in life that will always be constant. They will never change whether you like it or not.
I’ve long realized that life is a constant up and down. But some people tend to linger more on the bad things in life. Failing to realize and appreciate the good things and overlooking their potential to do something good in their lives. Some people can’t handle their emotions very well and this could either lead them to bitterness or depression. But maybe. Just maybe. They are already falling in love with their resentment or sadness. Some people also think that showing emotions is a sign of weakness. A vulnerability. Partly true. People hold their feelings up. Which is not always good. I just realized that hiding emotions can also be a cause of misunderstandings, conflicts and inner turmoil.
Just by going home and being with my family again helped me realized a few things in life. I was able to grasp their differing personalities and have come to understand them more fully than before. There’s always a rainbow after the rain (too cliché!). Sadness and pain is inevitable (whoever must not have felt these things is more or less a robot). It’s just that some people are more comfortable speaking their feelings while others are having hard times in expressing or even facing them. Some people would rather not talk about feelings than confront them. I guess people vary greatly. Also, it’s always a good and beautiful experience to have long sensible conversations with your loved ones. It gives you a sense of joy as well as gives you insights about life as well. One should always cherish moments like this and never let something beautiful pass you by. This always help in making your heart a little lighter, a little redder, and gives it a healthy beat. :)
One thing to add up to family are friends. They make life so much lighter, brighter, and better! They are also one of the beautiful things in life which I wouldn’t trade for materialistic desires and selfish wants. Just spending time with them makes me feel at ease and at home too! Talking about silly things. Being serious once in a while. Chit chat about nonsense. Everything! I just wish I can transfer my family and friends to the place I’m working in so that it would probably become a somewhat ideal environment for me. Lol! It’s gonna take a long time, but it’s not impossible. :)
And for once, I though I was just going to chill and stay at home with my family and spend some time with friends and just RELAX from work and the hassles of the real world. But then again, I’m still going to graduate and I’ve got a busy week ahead of me. Tsk2x. It feels like work but way better than work! You get to spend time with the loved ones you have left behind. :)
"Things happen because you choose it."
A friend just forwarded me a text message starting with these very words. And I have the feeling to disagree with it. Especially now.
Things happen not because you choose them, but because they are bound to happen. The only choice you have is how you react to these things that are currently happening. Somehow, it takes a lot of strength and a lot of faith to hold on especially when things don't go your way.
Right now, gloominess seeps in again (Very familiar with this atmosphere that I can say it doesn't affect me that much now unlike before). This is probably because of a realization I have just found out while talking to my friend. Some things right now are happening not because of my choice but because of people's choices. Gradually, I'm losing all of the people I love--my family, my friends, and someone I deeply hold so dear. I'm not the kind of person who experiences home sickness a lot. In fact, I love change and the new freedom I have as I set foot on this new environment. What made my deepest feelings evoked was the realization that there was a certain pattern on the things that have been going on in my life ever since an incident happened in college. It can even be traced back to some time in college wherein someone unintentionally somehow screwed me up.
The joy of having a new freedom and change has it's own setbacks. I was losing physical contact with my family. I barely communicated with them but it did not really bother me that much for I know that even if they are physically away, they are here within me. Just the same with my friends. It gives me much joy when I contact them through various electronic mediums and when I come home and meet them, it gives me a sense of joy and excitement that I could not have possibly obtain if I were stuck with them always.
But then, it seems like everything is following the same pattern. I lost someone whom I thought was worthy. I lost a friend. And then I lost physical contact with my family and friends. After that, as I was able to warm up to my new working environment, the people whom I have shared bits of my life with are gradually falling away too. At the first parts of my working life, people whom I was starting to know where disappearing and falling away. The group that I have bonded with was slowly disintegrating. And what's more distressing was the fact that the people who are more closer to me in the group were the first ones who left. I had a hint this was coming and I knew that I have no choice to make them stay. It was their choice. Who was I to stop them? I don't want to force people into my life. Much as I don't want people to force themselves to me. I just let things follow their own beat. And most of the time, their beat is different than mine. I knew it was coming and rather than mourning for the fact that they're gone, I prepared myself for the emotional disruptions it would cause me. I tried to picture out myself without them and to look for better ways to compromise with the new situation.
Things rather went out kind of fairly well. But then some things happened recently which made me aware of this pattern. That people I love are gradually falling away from me. And it's rather happening on an abrupt pace. And at some point, history repeating itself. I don't know why this is happening. What purpose it serves me. Is it a fact that somehow my personality or my whole being attracts this kind of phenomenon? Or maybe I'm just too emotional and I feel things rather more deeply than most people I know? Probably (The disadvantage of being too sensitive!>.<) It rather led me to confusion. One time, I theorized that this is probably happening to prepare me for a future where changes will gradually be happening quickly---like probably travelling around the world? Lol. I wish. A close friend I have confided this pattern told me that this was happening so that it will give me more opportunity to meet more people and to not restrain myself to a certain group. Or probably, she said, it would lead me to find that special someone. Lol! I don't know. Why can't I see it that way? All I know is that people I love are fading slowly away (and now faster than I imagined) and this pattern can go on and on if I don't do something about it.
*emo mode*
I'm feeling rather sappy today. And it greatly affects my writing. I think this is the only medium I can express my emotions on a deeper ground. And songs too! Usually my sappiness occurs when I listen to songs that remind me of something/someone, when I'm alone and have a lot of time to contemplate, think, reflect, and realize. Especially when things aren't going well in the external environment. I'm texting my friends and family today which really helped a lot in lessening this eecky sappiness and gloomy atmosphere. :)
I feel too much. I think too much. Bummer! It shows. >.<
I feel too much. I think too much. Bummer! It shows. >.<
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